E-mail : kpda1978@naver.com
Address : Korea Design Center 413 / 322, Yanghyeon-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
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Message Associations
Messages from Each Association
Korea Package Design Association
회장 이숙자
사단법인 한국패키지디자인협회
Lee, Sook Ja
Chairman of KPDA
(Korea Package Design Association)
아시아 6개 지역 단체 APD 회원 여러분, 환영합니다. APD Seoul 2024를 위하여 우리는 다시 만나는 새로운 의미를 갖게 되었습니다. 전 세계 팬데믹으로 인하여 APD Nara 2021은 온라인 컨퍼런스로 개최되었으므로, APD 회원들은 2017년 TAIPEI 행사 이후 7년 만에 서울에서 다시 만나게 되었습니다.
또한 태국,인도네시아의 참가로, 처음으로 아시아 6개지역의 패키지디자인 네트웍과 만남의 잔치가 열립니다. 특히 이번 APD Seoul 2024 행사는 서울시와 서울디자인재단 주최의 서울디자인2024와 함께 개최되므로, 10일간의 APD 패키징 전시는 한국의 다양한 디자인 콘텐츠들과 함께 디자인계 및 여러 채널에 소개되고있습니다.
지난 몇 년간 코로나로 인한 라이프스타일의 많은 영역이 디지털 환경으로 변화되면서 APD 31년의 여정도 새로운 이야기가 쓰이고 있습니다. 많은 행사들이 대면과 비대면으로 함께하고, 유통은 플랫폼 채널에서 새로운 트렌드들로 확산되고 있습니다.
마케팅 전략에서는 철저히 고객의 입장에서의 경험이 중요시되고있고, 지구 보존의 사고로 상품개발의 패키지디자인이 요구되고 있습니다.
계속 이어지는 변화에서 아시아 디자인이 교류되는 APD 서울의 만남은 디지털 시대와 미래를 향한 시대적 정신으로 새로운 융합의 가치를 생산하게 될 것입니다.
팬데믹은 ‘끝’이 아니고 새로운 시작을 의미했습니다. APD Seoul 2024는 세상의 디지털 트렌스포메이션을 의식하고, 지구를 생각하는 친환경의 아름다운 마음으로 준비를 하였습니다. 앞으로도 APD 회원단체의 많은 협력을 기대합니다.
Welcome to members of the APD 6 regional organizations.
We have all come together again for the APD Seoul 2024.
The APD NARA 2021 was held as an online conference due to COVID-19, so members of the APD are seeing one another seven years in Seoul after the event held in Taipei in 2017.
Also, with the participation of Thailand and Indonesia, a meeting feast will be held with the package design network of 6 Asian regions for the first time. In particular, this APD Seoul event will be held with Seoul Design 2024 hosted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, so the 10-day APD packaging exhibition is introduced to the design world and various channels along with various Korean design contents.
As many aspects of our lives have transitioned to the digital environment because of COVID-19, the APD is witnessing new changes to its 31-year history. Many events are held simultaneously as face-to-face and non-face-to-face events, and new trends are spreading in the distribution platform channels.
In Design and marketing strategy, experience from the customer’s point of view is thoroughly important, and the package design of product development is required due to the thought of earth conservation.
The meeting of APD Seoul, where Asian designs are exchanged in the continuous social changes, will produce a new convergence value with the spirit of the digital era and the future.
The pandemic has not put an ‘end’ but marked a new beginning. The APD Seoul 2024 will perceive the digital transformation of the world and get ready for environment friendly practices with a beautiful mind considerate of the planet. We ask for the continued cooperation of APD member organizations.
Thank you, and respectfully.
Japan Package Design Association
理事長 信藤 洋二
Yoji Nobuto
Japan Package Design Association
APD 2024 Seoul 開催おめでとうございます。パンデミックを乗り越え、7年振りにAPDが本来あるべきリアルな交流の 場となることは大きな喜びです。その開催地として、世界から注目を集めるSeoulに集えることは、今回のAPDが実りある機会 となることを確信させてくれます。準備を進めていただいた韓国パッケージデザイン協会の皆さまに心より感謝を申し上げます。
JPDAでは、6月に執り行われた理事会において新任の代表理事2名を選出しました。この結果、APD Seoulに自ら理事長として 参加できることに身に余る期待と責任を感じています。JPDAの新たな活動テーマを、未来社会と向き合う「心にとどくパッケージ デザイン」と定めました。産業としてのパッケージデザインは様々なステークホルダーの技術や社会の仕組みに支えられて成立 しています。一方で、デジタルによりますます効率化が進む未来社会を考えると、アートやデザインが技術と人を結ぶ要となり、 デザイナーは人や自然を豊かに育むために心の問題と向き合わなければならないのではないでしょうか。デザインと心を繋ぐ ために、日本・アジアの精神文化や包摂性からも学ぶべきことが多いと考えています。
日本パッケージデザイン協会の60年以上におよぶ活動において、ほぼ隔年で開催されるAPDはネットワークとナレッジを広げ る大きな契機となって来ました。今回のAPD Seoulにおいても、躍動する都市やデザインの潮流を肌で感じられることに期待 しています。多様な文化が混じり合うアジアには、自国の伝統を継承しながら異文化を受け入れる寛容さがあります。 アジアのパッケージデザインを牽引する皆さまから、未来のデザインや今後のAPDの可能性と課題をご教授いただき励み として行ければ幸いです。
Congratulatory Address to Asia Package Design (APD) 2024 Seoul
Congratulations on hosting APD 2024 Seoul. It brings me great joy to see that for the first time in seven years, this APD conference will be in a place where we can actually meet and interact with each other as it should be after overcoming the pandemic. We are honored to be able to gather in Seoul, the host city for the conference, which is attracting worldwide attention. It gives us confidence that the APD conference held in this fascinating location will be a fruitful opportunity for us. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Korea Package Design Association for its effort to prepare the event.
In June, two new Representative Directors were elected at the council of the Japan Package Design Association (JPDA). Being able to participate in APD 2024 Seoul as the new President of JPDA, I am aware of the high expectations placed on me as well as my great responsibilities. A new theme for JPDA’s activity is “Package design that reaches people’s hearts” for future society. Package design as an industry is supported by the technologies of various stakeholders and social mechanisms. On the other hand, art and design will be the key to connecting technologies and people in a future society that will become increasingly more efficient through digitalization. Therefore, I believe that designers need to deal with the issues of the human mind to nurture people and nature in abundance. In addition, I also believe there is much to be learned from the spiritual culture and inclusiveness of Japan and Asia to connect design and the human mind.
The APD conference, held almost every other year, has been an important opportunity to expand JPDA’s network and knowledge in our more than 60 years of activity. We look forward to experiencing firsthand the vibrant city and design trends at the APD 2024 Seoul conference. Asia, where diverse cultures coexist in harmony, has the tolerance to accept different cultures while carrying on the traditions of their own countries. We hope to learn from the leaders of Asian packaging design about the challenges and possibilities for design and APD in the future, which will encourage JPDA even further.
Shanghai Package Technology Association
上海视觉艺术学院时尚设计学院副院长, 教授
Gu Chuanxi
Director of Design Committee of SPTA
Deputy Director of Design Committee of
China Packaging Federation
Deputy Director of Cultural and Creative
Design Committee of China Association of
Ethnic Folk Artists, and Head of Shanghai Region
Vice Dean and Professor of the School of
Fashion Design at Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts
在这个充满希望与活力的时刻,我们迎来了2024首尔亚洲APD包装大会。首先,我谨代表 上海市包装技术协会设计委员会向 大会组委会表达深深的敬意与感谢。正是你们的辛勤付出和智慧才让大家得以相聚在这里,展开—场关于包装创意与变革的 盛大展演。
特别值得—提的是本届大会的主题: “每—个结束,都是新的开始”这句话蕴含着深刻的哲理和无限的想象,不仅深刻反映了 我们包装行业的发 展规律,更传递出了亚洲包装为世界带来更多的创新和变革。每—个设计项目的结案,都是下—次创意旅程的 新起点;每—次技术革新的成功,都是我们迈向更高峰的序章。这个主题激励着我们不断前行,勇敢地迎接每—个新的挑战, 探索每—个新的可能。
首尔,这座融合了传统与现代的城市,为我们提供了—个完美的舞台,让我们能够在这里分享经验、交流思想、共谋发展。 包装不仅仅是产品的外衣,它更是品牌的名片,是文化 的载体,是创新的舞台。每—个设计、每—项技术、每—次创意,都是 我们对品质和美的 追求。在这里,我们将看到亚洲各国的智慧与创意碰撞出璀璨的火花,共同描绘出包装设 计的美好未来。
我们深知,包装行业正面临着前所未有的挑战与机遇。人工智能 (AI)的引入为设计领域带来了革命性的变化,环境保护、 资源利用、消费者需求的变化,迫使我们不断创新,寻求突破。而我们也相信,正是这种挑战,激发了我们无穷的潜力,让我们 不断前行,追求 卓越。
今天,我们在这里,不仅是为了展示亚洲包装设计的最新成果,更是为了探讨和交流包装设计可持续的未来趋势,以及它在 促进经济发展、提升生活品质和保护环境等方面的重要作用。
让我们以开放的心态,拥抱每—次思维的碰撞和灵感的火花。让我们携手合作,共同推动包装设计行业的进步和发展, 为世界带来更多美好和惊喜。最后,预祝2024首尔APD亚洲包装大会取得圆满成功。
As we are celebrating the arrival of autumn, we welcome the 2024 Seoul APD. Firstly, on behalf of the Design Committee of SPTA, I would like to express my deepest respect and gratitude to the organizing committee of the conference. It is your hard work and wisdom that have brought everyone together here to launch a grand exhibition about the creativity and revolution in packaging design.
The theme of this conference particularly resonates with me: "Every end is a new beginning." It contains profound philosophy and sparks imagination, not only reflecting the developmental patterns of packaging design industry, but also conveying that Asian packaging design brings more innovation and impact to the world than one could ever imagine. The end of every design project is a new starting point for the next creative journey; Every successful technological innovation is a prelude to our journey towards the unimaginable future. This theme inspires us to keep moving forward, embrace every new challenge, and explore every new possibility.
Seoul, a city that blends tradition and modernity, provides us with a perfect stage to share experiences, exchange ideas, and build a community. Packaging design is not just the outer layer of a product, it is also the brand's soul, the carrier of culture, and the stage for innovation. Every design, every technology, and every creativity is our pursuit of quality and beauty. Here, we witness the collision of wisdom and creativity from various Asian regions, creating brilliant sparks that together paint a beautiful future for packaging design.
We are well aware that the packaging design industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. AI has brought revolutionary changes to the field of design, while changes in environmental protection, resource utilization, and consumer demand have forced us to constantly innovate and seek breakthroughs. And we also believe that it is this challenge that brings out the potential, allowing us to constantly move forward and pursue excellence.
Today, we are here not only to showcase the latest achievements in packaging design in Asia, but also to explore and e xchange sustainable future trends in packaging design, as well as its important role in promoting economic development, improving quality of life, and protecting the environment.
Let us embrace every collision of thoughts and spark of inspiration with an open mind. Let's work together to promote the progress and development of the packaging design industry, bringing more beauty and surprises to the world.
Finally, I wish the 2024 Seoul APD a complete success.
Taiwan Package Design Association
会场 李宛玲
Lee, Wan Ling
Chairman of TPDA
(Taiwan Package Design Association)
在疫情陰霾散去之際,我們迎來了首個實體亞洲包裝設計交流會,並選址於充滿活力的首爾。 這次的相聚,意義非凡。經歷了疫情所帶來的巨大轉變,無論是心理層面、價值觀,還是徹底改變 的消費習慣,我們都以堅韌和勇氣克服了這場前所未有的挑戰,得以在此健康平安地再次相逢。 這無疑是今年最值得慶賀與感恩的時刻。
自1993年首屆舉辦以來,APD已走過30個年頭。這個寶貴的平台不僅滋養了無數設計師的成長, 還鼓勵會員們在所熱愛的包裝設計領域中迎難而上,滿懷信心地邁步前行。我們深知這個平台 的價值與意義,它不僅是設計師們的展示舞台,更是各國友誼的見證。此次在首爾舉辦的交流會, 將進一步擴展我們的國際視野,讓我們能夠觀察各國包裝設計的多樣性與最新趨勢,為我們的 創意和靈感注入新的動力。
在此,我謹代表台灣,向KPDA的誠摯邀請表達最深的感謝,並向每一位工作人員的無私奉獻致 以崇高的敬意。正是您們的努力,才促成了這次首爾交流會的圓滿舉辦,為大家提供了一個寶貴 的學習與交流平台。
Celebrating the First In-Person Asia Package Design Conference in Seoul
After the Pandemic
As the shadows of the pandemic finally lift, we are excited to welcome you to the first in-person Asian Package Design (APD) Conference, hosted in the vibrant city of Seoul. This event holds special significance as we've navigated the immense changes brought on by the pandemic—from shifts in mindset and values to completely transformed consumer habits. Our resilience and courage have carried us through these unprecedented challenges, enabling us to gather here again, healthy and safe. This reunion is undoubtedly one of the most celebratory and thankful moments of the year.
Since its inception in 1993, APD has now reached its 30th anniversary. This valuable platform has fostered countless designers and inspired members to boldly confront challenges in the field of packaging design, moving forward with confidence. We deeply appreciate the value and significance of this platform—it's not just a stage for designers to showcase their work, but also a testament to international friendships. This conference in Seoul will further expand our global perspective, allowing us to explore the diversity and latest trends in packaging design from various countries, injecting fresh energy into our creativity and inspiration.
On behalf of Taiwan, I would like to extend our deepest gratitude to KPDA for their gracious invitation and express our utmost respect to every staff member for their selfless dedication. It is your hard work that has made this conference in Seoul possible, providing us all with a valuable platform for learning and communication.
We believe this event will advance design thinking and open new doors for the future of packaging design. Let's move forward together towards an even brighter tomorrow! We wish the conference great success!
Thai Package Design Association
นายกสมาคม วรรณา สุทัศน์ ณ อยุธยา
Varna Sudasna
President of ThaiPDA
(Thai Package Design Association)
ในนามของสมาคมการออกแบบบรรจุภัณฑ์ไทย ข้าพเจ้าขอแสดงความยินดี กับงาน APD Seoul 2024.
ข้าพเจ้าขออวยพรให้ KPDA ประสบความสาํ เร็จอย่างต่อเนืองในพันธกิจ ของสมาคมในการสานต่อการจัดแข่งขันชิงรางวัล Asia Package Design Award และการประชุม ซึงจัดเพือส่งเสริมการออกแบบบรรจุภัณฑ์และ ความคิดสร้างสรรค์ในหมู่ประเทศสมาชิกทังหลายในเอเชีย การประกวด Asia Package Design เปนเวทีเพือคัดเลือกงานออกแบบบรรจุภัณฑ์ที ยอดเยียมและสนับสนุนการออกแบบบรรจุภัณฑ์สาํ หรับนักออกแบบ รวมถึง ธุรกิจการออกแบบในภูมิภาคเอเชียด้วย
ข้าพเจ้าหวังว่า APD Seoul 2024 จะประสบความสาํ เร็จตามเปาหมายและ
On behalf of the Thai Package Design Association, I would like to extend our sincere congratulations to APD Seoul 2024 and.
We wish KPDA continued success in all your efforts including the Asia Package Design Award and APD Conference.
The Asia Package Design Award is highly beneficial to country members in Asia. This meaningful competition not only honors excellence in package design but also helps to elevate the status of designers as well as business in our region.
We wish that APD Seoul 2024 achieve its goals and benefits to packaging design industry in Asia. We have very much enjoyed our continued friendship and cooperation among our respective organizations and we look forward to further strengthening our relations in the future.
Indonesia Graphic Designers Association
Chairman of ADGI
(Indonesian Graphic Designers Association)
To all distinguished guests, esteemed colleagues, and fellow designers,
It is an honor to stand before you today as we gather to celebrate the incredible creativity and innovation in packaging design from across Asia at the Asian Package Award 2024. On behalf of our association, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the participants representing Korea, Japan, China, Taiwan, Thailand, and Indonesia. Your dedication to the craft and your commitment to pushing the boundaries of design are truly inspiring.
This prestigious event, hosted by the Korean Package Design Association (KPDA), offers us a unique opportunity to showcase the national identity of our respective countries on a global stage. For Indonesia, it is a chance to bring our vibrant culture, rich heritage, and innovative spirit to the forefront of the international design community. We are proud to be registering works from selected local design studios, each one a testament to the creativity and talent that our nation has to offer.
As we continue to expose our local designers to the global market, we recognize the importance of sustainability in both graphic and packaging design. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that our work not only captivates the eye but also contributes to a more sustainable future. This is a principle we hold dear, and we are committed to fostering a design culture that prioritizes sustainability alongside aesthetics and functionality.
We are particularly proud to be showcasing designs that represent local and national brands. Many of our studios work closely with these brands, helping them to elevate their identity and reach a broader audience through thoughtful packaging design. This event allows us to share these designs with the world, highlighting the unique perspectives and creative solutions that emerge from our collaborations with local businesses.
In closing, I would like to once again congratulate all the participants from the Korean Package Design Association (KPDA), the Shanghai Packaging Technology Association (SPTA), the Taiwan Package Design Association (TPDA), the Japan Package Design Association (JPDA), and the Thailand Package Design Association (ThaiPDA). Your work is a source of inspiration, and I am confident that this year's competition will be a testament to the incredible talent that Asia has to offer.
Thank you, and I wish everyone the best of luck in the competition.